Dr. Slavin
Dr. Slavin
I am writing to applaud you efforts in resolving my sleep issues. This was first brought to your attention when I advised that my wife was complaining that I was snoring at night. Of course, like every snorer we deny that it could possibly be happening. I also noticed that on a number of occasions I would wake up and just feel tired. I thought it was due to lack of a more vigorous exercise routine.
At your suggestions I went to the sleep clinic associated with the local hospital where they conducted an overnight study. As a result of this study, you had suggested that an appliance might solve the problem which was worse when I slept on my back.
The new appliance that you have made was offered as a double resolution of not only sleep issues but also TMJ headaches. I am happy to report that not only have the TMJ headaches been reduced but I wake up significantly refreshed everyday. The change is like I have been given a new lease on life. What I had become accustomed to on a regular basis is like night and day compared to the quality of sleep with the resulting refreshed vitality every morning. Thank you for recognizing the symptoms and for providing an incredible resolution.
Slavin, Jackson, Burns
Stuart Finer